

The Center for General Education was established on August 1st, 2013, responsible for teaching, research, and promotion of general education at our university. It has a General Education Advisory Committee supervising its operations. The center comprises the Language Education Division, Liberal Arts Education Division, Physical Education Division, Mandarin Learning and Education Center, and Arts Center. It plans basic courses (in Chinese and foreign languages), liberal arts courses, physical education, arts and culture, and Mandarin Learning courses. Whether in course structure design or faculty recruitment, the center aims to develop general education that complements and connects with the educational goals and professional courses of various departments.

Vision, Core Values, and Mission of the Center for General Education:

1. Vision: To become a leader in Taiwan's general education teaching and research.
2. Core Values: Forward-thinking, diversity, interdisciplinary,
3. Mission: To create a higher education talent base for diverse learning and interdisciplinary teaching and research.